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Video editors

                            Video editors    DaVinci Resolve If you are looking for a professional video editor for nonlinear editing and y...

Video editors

                           Video editors 


DaVinci Resolve
If you are looking for a professional video editor for nonlinear editing and you need a free editor,
DaVinci Resolve may be the best choice for you.
The interface of the DaVinci Resolve video editor is organized in the form of 4 sections, switching between which is performed using the buttons at the bottom of the window.
You can download DaVinci Resolve for free from the official website
Если вас не смущает английский язык интерфейса и сложность программ видеомонтажа, DaVinci Resolve — лучший видео редактор из бесплатных. Первоначальные версии в большей степени были предназначены для работы со цветом, но начиная с версии 16, это более чем полноценный инструмент нелинейного видеомонтажа, содержащий множество профессиональных инструментов для работы, которые с большой вероятностью смогут покрыть любые ваши потребности


Kdenlive is a completely free video editor , available for Windows and Linux, and has very wide video editing capabilities, although to master some of them you will have to look for lessons on the Internet.
Kdenlive Video Editor or KDE Non-Linear Video Editor is an almost professional non-linear editor for video editing, in which the user can find more options than almost any "simple video editor for beginners" (including paid ones) and somewhat less than the monstrous Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve.

Kdenlive — полностью бесплатный видеоредактор на русском языке, доступный для Windows и Linux и имеющий очень широкие возможности редактирования видео, хотя для освоения некоторых из них и придется поискать уроки в Интернете.
 Скачать программу:

Free download the program👇

Video Editor

Installing Icecream Video Editor is easy.

Установка видеоредактора Icecream Video Editor не представляет сложностей (всё на русском языке), но обратите внимание на следующий скриншот:

At the second step, if you leave the "Full installation" option selected, then in addition to the video editor itself, additional software will also be installed, and therefore I recommend selecting the "Parameter settings" item and unchecking all the boxes.

На втором шаге, если вы оставите выбранным пункт «Полная установка», то помимо самого редактора видео также установится и дополнительное ПО, а потому рекомендую выбрать пункт «Настройка параметров» и снять все отметки.

You can download DaVinci Resolve for free from the official website:

Enjoy working on creating your videos!
Your, Shootynlight store

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Show Don'T Tell Robyn Opie

Bibliographic information
QR code for Show Don't Tell
Title Show Don't Tell: The Ultimate Writers' Guide
Author Robyn Opie-parnell
Publisher Createspace Independent Pub, 2014
ISBN 1500689602, 9781500689605
Length 188 pages


 Do you finally want to learn the secret to all great fiction writing? Do you want to write like bestselling authors? Do you want publishers to sit up and take real notice of your stories? Robyn Opie Parnell, bestselling author of ninety five published books, says: "I can't stress how important it is to grasp the profound difference between showing and telling in your writing." But what does the phrase 'Show, Don't Tell' actually mean? What is the one simple ingredient that all bestselling novels have in common? The one trait that keeps readers hooked from beginning to end? 


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BalanceRun 2.0


BalanceRun 2.0 is a Keyframe-Generator for Walkanimations. 

          Get the this ITEM


 It comes as an add-on for Blender and is capable to animate characters from 2 up to 8 feet with a few clicks. Unlike any other software available, BalanceRun animates the character to follow a targetobject in any given direction, setting the footsteps to balance its own pivot.

So your character will automatically walk forward, backwards, sidewards and turn around, to mimic the targetobjects movement. Furthermore there is a basic dynamical spring-system that adds bouncing motion to the walk. Animateable parameters for the legs and feet help to adjust the walk to the desired result.


#BalanceRun_2_0 #program #animation #Walkanimations.

Download cartoons


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Téléchargement de dessins animés

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Music Licensing Insiders Guide


                         Music Licensing Insiders Guide


                                     Buy now

Product details
Publication date : June 1, 2014
Language: : English
File size : 3646 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 116 pages
Lending : Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #2,496,684 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#751 in Music Business (Kindle Store)
#2,124 in Music Business (Books)

Shortcut the process to make money licensing your music, using 13 years of experience from Seb Jarakian and Randy Schroeder, owners of Musync, a well known music licensing company in San Francisco.

Musync has placed music for CBS and NBC television programs, Apple, Frito-Lay, Chevy, Google, Yahoo!, Visa, Dell, HP, Esurance, WB Games, Microsoft, Sonic, and many more.

Learn how to take the right steps to get your music into the hands of people looking for great music every day - film and television producers and editors, ad agency creatives, music supervisors, video games companies and more. Use this simple step-by-step guide to learn and grow fast.

This easy-to-understand, non-technical book will help any beginner or experienced musician and make sure each phase is clear and doable.

Find the way through the maze of the world of music licensing. Learn how Seb and Randy got into this business and how to think about music as a career. It includes practical tips on finding success.

Each section is arranged to build a solid knowledge base, and includes sample emails and telephone scripts with advice on how to make the best impression. This book should be part of a library of good books to help launch any musical career.

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Krita - free bitmap editor

                                                             Krita - free bitmap editor

Krita is a free bitmap editor that is more suitable for drawing than editing. The application has a standard interface for this type of program. Krita comes with a wide variety of brushes as well as a brush editor. Various filters are available for post processing. In addition, Krita supports layers and various color schemes: RGBA, Gray, CMYKA, Law, YCbCr, XYZ.

A large selection of integrated brushes, filters, masks and layers is available to the user. The principle of operation is to emulate a canvas of almost infinite size and apply real tools to it .

#Krita #downloard #free_grafic_editor 




The graphic editor FireAlpaca is positioned as an easy-to-learn program for drawing, sketching and comics. The editor has an obligatory set of basic tools for drawing, selecting fragments of a drawing, drawing text and processing using the simplest filters, and support for layers is not forgotten.

For a digital artist who wants to try himself in the field of creating comics, FireAlpaca offers several ready-made templates, a fairly rich assortment of rulers, grids and layout lines, including those with links to 3D perspective and volumetric objects. By default, the program shows pictures in its own .mdp format, but support for more established file formats is common: PNG, JPEG, BMP, and PSD.

The advantages of this editor can also be attributed to a fairly high speed of work with a low, by today's standards, resource consumption. The program is distributed free of charge, the interface is translated into Russian. You can use FireAlpaca on computers and tablets running Windows and OS X.

FREE Download -------

Графический редактор FireAlpaca позиционируется как простая в освоении программа для рисования, создания эскизов и комиксов. Редактор обладает обязательным набором базовых инструментов для рисования, выделения фрагментов рисунка, нанесения текста и обработки при помощи простейших фильтров, не забыта и поддержка слоёв.
Цифровым художникам, желающим опробовать себя на ниве создания комиксов FireAlpaca предлагает несколько готовых шаблонов, довольно богатый ассортимент линеек, сеток и разметочных линий, в том числе с возможностью привязки к 3D-перспективе и объёмным объектам. По умолчанию программа предлагает сохранять рисунки в собственном формате .mdp, но предусмотрена поддержка и более распространённых форматов файлов: PNG, JPEG, BMP и PSD.
К достоинствам этого редактора можно отнести ещё и довольно высокую скорость работы при невысоком, по сегодняшним меркам, потреблении ресурсов. Распространяется программа бесплатно, интерфейс переведён на русский язык. Воспользоваться FireAlpaca можно на компьютерах и планшетах под управлением Windows и OS X. 
Скачать бесплатно

#FireAlpaca #graphic_editor #free_download_file #скачать_бесплатно_fire_alpaca #shootynlight_store 

Autodesk SketchBook - Brushes/ Кисти в Autodesk SketchBook

                                                  Autodesk SketchBook - Brushes

Brush pallete

As the name suggests, this panel gives you quick access to selected brushes. By default it is filled with basic brushes / tools, which can come in handy right away:


Ideal for sketching - it is thin and moderately soft.


Works exactly as you'd expect - gently adds color; the more you paint, the brighter the color.



If you are used to drawing with markers, this tool is perfect for you. As in reality, you cannot paint brightly on a dark surface!


Cutter handle

For fans of calligraphy and patterned strokes.


Ball pen

You can use it as a more visible pencil.

Paint brush

Basic brush for adding large spots of color to blend with others later.


Felt-tip pen

Works like a soft pencil.


Ink pen

  A tool for everything: sketching, ink drawing and even coloring. 100% solid.



There are also customizable brushes in the palette. The Swirl works like the Smudge Tool in Photoshop



This tool does what it should: blurs the strokes you touch.


This tool sharpens strokes

Hard eraser

The name speaks for itself - the eraser is similar to the Ink Pen, but instead of drawing, it erases.

Soft eraser

This eraser works like an airbrush, erasing gently.

Library of brushes

This was a quick overview of brushes. See you in the next posts.
We wish you inspiration.❤
Your, ShootYnlight

#Autodesk_SketchBook #scketchbook_brushes #brushes_description_autodesk_sketchbook
#brushes #
graphic_editor_brush #ShootYnlight_store

Autodesk SketchBook - short program overview/ Autodesk SketchBook - краткий обзор программы


The program is designed to develop sketches for designers and artists.
Designed specifically for digitizers and tablets, the program provides the ability to move from drawing on paper to digital drawing.
The interface is easy to learn, which allows you to quickly acquire the necessary skills to complete the assigned tasks.
The working area can be selected and changed. The program menu includes all key
elements of tools for working in the program: transition with return, magnifying glass, scaling, movement, line, shape (square, oval, curve), settings editor, color palette editor, layers editor and a choice of brushes from kardash to eraser, as well as their type.

Recommended for use in your creative solutions.
You can find out more and purchase on the website.

Inspiration, yours ShootYnlight store❤


Программа предназначенна для разработки эскизов и набросков для дизайноров и художников.

Разработанная специально для дигитайзеров и планшетных ПК,программа предоставляет

 возможность перейти от рисования на бумаге к цифровому рисунку.

Интерейфес прост в изучении, что позволяет быстро набрать нужные навики для выполнения поставленных задач.

Рабочее поле можно мастабировать и видоизменять. В меню программы предусмотренно все ключевые элементы интсрументов для работы в программе: возвращение обратно,лупа, масштабирование,перемещение, линия, форма (кввадрат, овал,кривая), редактор настроек, редактор цветовой палтры,редактор слоев, и выбор кистей от карндаша до ластика, а также их тип.

Рекомендуем для использывание в ваших творческих решениях.

Ознакомится, детально, и приобрести можно на сайте 

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